

有位學生在學校的中翻英考試中這樣寫”My father is good.” 卻被學校英文老師批改為錯的答案,學校老師堅持答案應該為”My father is fine.” 我們的學生知道美國人常常用good來代替fine,她也知道她的老師常忽略了台灣學生學習英文的真正原因-與美國人溝通(或與其他外語人士溝通)。


One of our students is wise beyond her years. The English teacher in her public school English class criticized her Chinese to English translation. She had written “Her father is good.” The teacher claimed that she must change the word “good”to“fine”. Our student knew that Americans often use “good”in place of “fine”. She correctly understood that her teacher seemed to have overlooked the real reason Taiwanese students learn English – to communicate with Americans (and other native speakers).

My advice to our students is keep learning English the right way – it will help you in your life, but also remember to do what your public school teachers say. It might improve your test scores, even if the advice is wrong.


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